Setup & config options
Apache 2.4+ LAMP server
The game & not the islands
Setup & config options
North Atlantic : Macaronésia
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Most of the articles, descriptions and instructions written here are applicable to the most common Debian-based Linux derivatives. Depending on the respective operating system, there may be minor or major discrepancies. This website is for educational purposes only. Please do not deploy anything in manufacturing plants.
No warranty or compensation is given for loss of data or hardware.
It should be also mentioned that this modest web server is hosted on a Raspberry Pi type 4B at home.
Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers (SBCs) developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. The mini-computer with its armv7l processor has quickly become the favourite of hobbyists. Projects can be started with suitable Linux distributions. Even an aged RasPi e.g. the models 2B and 2B+ can definitely serve to simple tasks quite well.
LetsEncrypt still cannot renew HTTPS certificates via HTTPS, and continues to require port 80.
That is one special reason to keep port 80 open for now.
LetsEncrypt is an automated and open certificate authority (CA) run by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) and founded by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Mozilla Foundation and others. It provides free SSL/TLS certificates commonly used to encrypt communications for security and privacy purposes, the most notable use case being HTTPS.
In this scenario, it is assumed that an Apache v2.4+ web server is already in use on port 80 and that the user has his own internet domain.
That means, a registered domain name with an »A record« that points to your dynamic or static IPv4 address. As an example, »yourdomain.tld« is used. Furthermore access to a privileged shell (as sudo user in terminal for SSH communication) within your home LAN / WLAN mesh network between client and host either by PuTTY, Tilix or whatever you are preferring.
Port settings in the LAN / WLAN mesh for the router or modem : open the ports for 80/TCP (http) and 443/TCP (https). Unfortunately, I cannot give any instructions here, as there are too many different models of modems and routers worldwide.
»Uncomplicated Firewall« ufw firewall explained : If applicable, to allow all incoming https (port 443) connections run these commands.
user@raspberry:~ $ sudo su
root@raspberry:~# ufw allow 80/tcp
root@raspberry:~# ufw allow 443/tcp
root@raspberry:~# ufw reload
root@raspberry:~# cd /var/www/html
root@raspberry:~# mkdir .well-known
This is the recommended way by LetsEncrypt to install the »certbot«. If not has been done before : the »snapd« can be installed from the command line. Reboot your system to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.
user@raspberry:~ $ sudo su
root@raspberry:~# ▁
root@raspberry:~# apt install snapd
After a reboot :
root@raspberry:~# echo $PATH
Linux $PATH
responds with :
separators between entries.
If it has more entries than the above, then it is probably OK.
root@raspberry:~# snap install certbot --classic
That's it for the first time.
The »certbot« is now installed and ready to do its business.
Execute the following instruction in the terminal to ensure that the certbot command can be run with a web server that's already using the port 80/TCP and don't want to stop it while »certbot« runs, run the second command and follow the instructions in the terminal.
root@raspberry:~# ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/bin/certbot': File exists
Use for the certification your personal »yourdomain.tld« without the »www«.
root@raspberry:~# certbot certonly --webroot
root@raspberry:~# a2enmod ssl
root@raspberry:~# a2enmod headers
root@raspberry:~# a2enmod rewrite
root@raspberry:~# a2enmod http2
Test the new configuration and afterwards restart the server.
root@raspberry:~# apache2ctl configtest
root@raspberry:~# systemctl restart apache2
Syntax OK
root@raspberry:~# cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
root@Dosboot:/etc/apache2/sites-available# a2ensite *
Site 000-default already enabled Site 000-default-le-ssl already enabled Site default-ssl already enabled
root@raspberry:~# apache2ctl -M
... headers_module (shared) http_module (static) http2_module (shared) ... rewrite_module (shared) ... ssl_module (shared) ...
About »a2enmod http2«.
root@raspberry:~# a2enmod http2
Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2 (HTTP/2) is the latest version of the HTTP protocol, published as an IETF standard in RFC 7540 in 2015. The focus of the protocol is on performance, especially end-user perceived latency, network and server resource usage. A key objective is to enable the use of a single connection from browsers to a website.
If you desire to enable either or both »TLS 1.1« and »TLS 1.2« on your web server, you configure your »virtualhost« section as demonstrated below. Benefits from »HTTP/1.2« have the page load speed improvements and the request pipelining.
root@raspberry:~# nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
... SSLEngine on Protocols http/1.1 h2 h2c ...
root@raspberry:~# apache2ctl configtest
Syntax OK
root@raspberry:~# systemctl restart apache2
Change or - if you found not not having it - that snippet in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
from Protocols h2 http/1.1
to Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1
root@raspberry:~# nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
root@raspberry:~# systemctl restart apache2
To confirm that your site is set up properly and funtionally, type https://yourdomain.tld
in your browser's URL bar and look for the lock icon in the upper left corner.
Your SSL certificate has a lifetime period of 90 days.
Note that »certbot« will renew your certificate after 60 days. That's enough with a gap of 30 days.
root@raspberry:~# list-timers
NEXT LEFT LAST Wed 2021-05-19 01:21:00 CEST 5h 57min left Tue 2021-05-18 16:53:00 CEST PASSED UNIT ACTIVATES 2h 30min ago snap.certbot.renew.timer snap.certbot.renew.service
Quit simple.
root@raspberry:~# snap refresh
root@raspberry:~# snap list
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes certbot 1.15.0 1149 latest/stable certbot-eff✓ classic core 16-2.50 11085 latest/stable canonical✓ core core20 20210319 976 latest/stable canonical✓ base
14-May 2021
Updated 29-May 2021