Raspberry Pi as server

Setup & config options

Apache 2.4+ LAMP server

»Windward« server

The game & not the islands
 Setup & config options

Some off-topics
Free weather app. Weather widget

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Meteorological service

Front desk clerk

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Tag cloud
QRC bookmark

QR quick response code

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The prologue

Most of the articles, descriptions and instructions written here are applicable to the most common Debian-based Linux derivatives. Depending on the respective operating system, there may be minor or major discrepancies.
This website is for educational purposes only. Please do not deploy anything in manufacturing plants.
No warranty or compensation is given for loss of data or hardware.

It should be also mentioned that this modest web server is hosted on a Raspberry Pi type 4B at home.

The Raspberry Pi mini-computer board as multi-purpose server deployed
A competent allrounder for domestic purposes and micro-enterprises

Raspberry Pi : Apache as multiple web server. Print server, scan server, backup and NAS server. Raspberry Pi : Apache as multiple web server. Print server, scan server, backup and NAS Server.

Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers (SBCs) developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in association with Broadcom. The mini-computer with its armv7l processor has quickly become the favourite of hobbyists. Projects can be started with suitable Linux distributions. Even an aged RasPi e.g. the models 2B and 2B+ can definitely serve to simple tasks quite well.

Installation routine

Please note that for this article we will be working under Microsoft Windows with PuTTy.

To install Apache2 standalone, execute the following command:

user@raspberry:~ $ sudo apt-get install apache2

To install Apache2 and PHP (optional) together, execute the following command:

user@raspberry:~ $ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

To install MySQL (optional), install a few packages with the following command:

user@raspberry:~ $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql

Change ownership

Take ownership of the web root:

user@raspberry:~ $ sudo su
root@raspberry:~# sudo chown -R pi /var/www/html

First access

Enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi in your web browser.
You should see the page stored in /var/www/html/index.html. This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Debian systems.

Debian Raspbian Apache2 Default Page

How do I replace the index.html file after viewing? Just delete /var/www/html/index.html or replace it with an index.html file of your own. You should replace this file before continuing to operate your http-server. If you know some basics in HTML you can put your own HTML files and other assets in this directory and serve them as your personal website.

Check Apache service status

root@raspberry:~# service apache2 status

Check Apache status

Just in case you have to do that.

root@raspberry:~# service apache2 restart

22-Jun 2017

Install a sFTP-client

You can use an application such as WinSCP to connect via sftp which is safer and prevents the need to open up another port on your Raspberry Pi.

With Linux you could deploy https://filezilla-project.org/

root@raspberry:~# apt-get install filezilla

22-Jun 2017
Updated 04-Feb 2021

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Brackets code editor | End-Of-Life notice

Adobe is committed to delivering exceptional software and services to our customers. It is in our nature to innovate and try new things, and it was in this spirit that we introduced Brackets, a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in 2014. Brackets was among the first web-based code editors, but the market has matured and other solutions have eclipsed some of the roles Brackets had focused on. As we re-focus on products that broadly provide our customers with the most value, Adobe is announcing the end of support for Brackets as of September 1, 2021.

You can read the full statement and as well as the user comments about this.


04-Feb 2021
Updated 06-May 2021

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